
CY tech (ex EISTI), FRANCE - Computer Science Engineer Degree, Computer Science2021 - Present

CY tech (ex EISTI), FRANCE - Integrated Preparatory Classes, Computer Science2019 - 2021

Pythagore High school, MOROCCO - Baccalaureate Degree, Science Mathematics2018 - 2019

Technical Skills

Scripting and Analysis | Python (Pandas, Numpy, Keras, BeautifulSoup, Turtle...)

Front End | Angular, React, CSS/Tailwind CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, TypeScript

Back End | SqlAlchemy (Alembic), SQL/MySQL, PostgreSQL, FastAPI (Python), C++

Development Tools | Git, Agile Methodology

Theoretical | Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP (Natural Language Processing), Reinforcement Learning, Parallel Programming

Experience & Projects

Data Engineer Intern | Lionswerk May 2023 - Present

Recruitment Platform Creation, Bonn, Germany Python | SqlAlchemy | FastAPI | Angular

European Trading System Database Scraping and Data Verification | Sciences Po and OFCE Jan 2022 - Present

Data scraping script for the Paris Institute of Political Studies, FRANCEPython | Pandas | BeautifulSoup | Excel

FullStack Software Engineer | ProfPro Jul 2022 - Aug 2022

Page creation e-commerce website, FRANCE JavaScript | Bubble | API | Figma

Observation Internship | La Librairie Papeterie Nationale (LPN) Jun 2019

LPN is a Group subsidiary of Hachette, MOROCCO


Academic projects done in groups of 2 to 4 students, FRANCE Java | JavaFx | HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT/PHP | Turtle | C